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Open Call for Mobility Grants (Grant period 4)

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How to Switch Individual Plant Genes On and Off

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Open Call for Mobility Grants (Grant period 3)

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Plant bioinformatician position available at Paris-Saclay University
The Chromosome Dynamics Group is seeking a Bioinformatician to start as soon as possible

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Plant Development, Epigenetics and Evolution
The Farrona lab (http://www.farronalab.org/) is seeking two PhD students that will be fully funded to study the role of chromatin-related proteins in the regulation of plant development. We are looking for highly motivated researchers with a strong interest in interdisciplinary projects.

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Postdoctoral position
The Bischof lab seeks to hire a motivated postdoctoral researcher with a passion for epigenetics and chromatin biology. Our main research goal is to elucidate epigenetic mechanisms that control gene expression and maintain the integrity of the genome in plants and human cells.

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The ITC Conference Grants are aimed at supporting Early Career Investigators (ECI) and PhD students from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) to attend international science and technology related conferences, event or activity on the topic of the Action that are not organized by the COST Action.

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EPICATCH Cost Action CA19125 opens the First Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). The aim of STSMs shall be to contribute to the scientific objectives of a EPICATCH. The objective of EPICATCH is to update, define and develop scientific knowledge and methodology on the study of plant epigenetic adaptation responses to climate change.

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