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Molecular analysis of epigenetic responses to abiotic stresses

Type of activity: Training school
Date: July 21-23. 2023
Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Title: Molecular analysis of epigenetic responses to abiotic stresses
Organisers: Erna Karalija
Venue: University of Sarajevo-Faculty of Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conference report:
The training school provided fundamentals of plant priming, epigenetics with a focus on plants response to abiotic stress and to perform hands-on training in order to allow students and early career researchers to evaluate methods for tracking epigenetic changes in response to abiotic stress. The course was oriented toward master, postodoc students and early career researchers involved in plant biology with ineterest in real time PCR. At the end of the training school, attendees were able to design and perform experiments including real time PCR techniques; from primer identification and design to actual real time PCR and to detect expressional changes in relation to abiotic stressors. The theoretical part of the workshop was open to all interested parties.