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Epigenetic mechanisms in plant responses to environmental stresses

Type of activity: Conference
Date: May 2-3 2023
Place: Parma, Italy
Title: Epigenetic mechanisms in plant responses to environmental stresses
Organisers: Nelson Marmiroli, Federico Martinelli, Luca Pagano
Venue: University of Florence (Didactic Building “Morgagni”)
Conference report:
knowledge and methodologies for the investigation of epigenetic mechanisms of plant adaptation to environmental stresses driven by climate change. The Conference will take place in the beautiful city of Parma (Italy). The aim is to disseminate new insights into the epigenetic mechanisms of plant development and adaptation to environmental stresses linked to climate change. Other integrated multi-omics approaches with future perspectives of epigenetic analysis are also welcome. The Event, under the patronage of the Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA), is an extraordinary occasion for researchers to disseminate, discuss, and update the latest research in plant epigenetics. University of Parma, Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per le Scienze Ambientali (CINSA) and University of Firenze co-organized hosted and co-organized the meeting.
Two sessions are provided: 1) keynote speakers, 2) junior scientists. The conference will be carried out as a hybrid event, with physical presence as well as live streaming through an online platform.
24 platform presentations and 13 posters have been presented. 65 attendees from 5 European Countries (in presence and online) have been registered.