Training School
Plants and environment:
Evaluation of environmentally induced
epigenetic variation in plants
Mendoza, Argentina, March 6-11, 2023
The course is oriented to graduate students, postdocs or early career scientist involved in plant biology which can take profit of the techniques covered, to answer some biological questions involving environmental induced epigenetic modifications in plants.
The training school will have a first day of lectures. The practical course will be in person.
Both theoretical and practical courses are free of charge, but registration required.
- Epigenetic mechanisms in plants. DNA methylation
- Environmentally induced epigenetic variations
- Epigenetic memory of stresses in plants: priming
- Methods of determination of methylation profile. WGS, MSAP
- Bioinformatic analysis of data
- Combined extraction of DNA and RNA
- Design of primers for PCR and qRT-PCR
- Evaluation of DNA and RNA
- Locus specific DNA methylation analysis
- Expression analysis of differentially methylated genes
Register at :
- Pr. Philippe Gallusci University of Bordeaux
- Dr. Diego Zavallo INTA
- Dr. Carlos Marfil CONICET
- Dr. Sebastián Gómez Talquenca INTA
- Dr. Melisa Lanza Volpe INTA
- Research Station Mendoza
- National Institute for Agronomic Technology
- Mendoza, Argentine